Tag Archive | social media

Facebook Blocks ‘Star Spangled’ Cover by Conservative Rockers

By janetsmirkee@gmail.com


Yes IRS progressives, Facebook is with you too

Indie bands like Madison Rising need the power of social media more than a Radiohead or Rolling Stones. So when the conservative rockers’ cover of The Star-Spangled Banner caught fire on sites like Facebook and Twitter last month it was very good news, indeed.

That social media love abruptly stopped, and it took weeks before the band’s manager Richard Mgrdechian found out why. The answer has Mgrdechian wondering if the band’s conservative bent made it a target[…]

The social media giant finally offered its rationale for the blockage earlier this week. The link in question was incorrectly identified as spam and blocked, but the problem had been rectified.

[Read it all]

As Howie said a couple days ago:

A search for the terrorist group Jabhat al-Nusra on Facebook today returns about 55,400 results and somehow I doubt those are all folks advocating against Jihad
